Saturday, April 12, 2008


He stood at a safe distance away, staring at the crumpled remains of a car. Broken glass pieces spread around and mangled remains of a car that had hit a tree head-on. Smoke billowing out of the car.

There were people shouting and running towards the car wreck, paying little attention to him as they passed him by. He couldn’t hear a word they were saying, an eerie silence came over him. It felt as if he was watching a silent movie play in front of him.

It was already late in the night, and it had started drizzling. But he couldn’t feel the rain either.

An ambulance came screeching to a halt next to him, sirens still wailing.The crowd had managed to pull a guy out of the wreck and laid him on the ground. As the paramedics approached, the crowd parted to let them in.

The Paramedics checked for a pulse on the injured man and knew immediately they were losing him. One of them started performing CPR.

It had started raining heavily now. But he still stood at a distance as if in a trance, unnoticed. His eyes unblinking staring at the scene unfold in front of him.

The paramedics were getting frantic by the minute.

A tear rolled down his eyes as he heard the paramedic declare there was nothing more they could do to save the man.

He gradually started fading into darkness still staring at his own face lying on the ground covered in blood, just as the paramedics closed the dead mans eyes.

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